Monday, November 15, 2010

Thing 23

Some of my favorite activities in this assignment were Photostory, image generators, and mashups.  I also liked discovering some of the library-related blogs that are out there.  Now if there was only enough time in the day to delve into all of this new information....

I have to say that for the most part I have enjoyed this assignment.  There were things that I had heard of before but was too intimidated to try.  Having the tutorials at my fingertips was extremely helpful to understanding the steps.  Working through these steps has helped to make all of this technology just a little less scary.

I think that one way to improve on the 23 Things program would be to update some of the assignments to some of the newest "tricks" that people are coming up with.  For example, the Technorati assignment did not work well, but there are new ideas that could be substituted for it.  Prezi and Animoto are two ideas that come to mind.  I do think that I would enjoy going through the steps of another discovery program like this in the future.  What is nice about this setup is that you can work at your own pace.  In an in-service-type format, there is limited time to explore and understand what is going on.

In a word, this assignment has bolstered my confidence toward expanding my horizons in the technology field.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. you figured out many of the reasons for this program...learning can be self-paced and playing around gives you a boost in your confidence. Can't wait to see what you might do with your new knowledge!
