Friday, September 17, 2010

Thing 2

Of the 7 1/2 habits, the easiest for me to follow would be habit 1 - Begin with the end in mind.  I have always been a list maker and a planner.  My lists don't start with the beginning; I start it at the bottom of the page and write down steps I think need to be taken as I work my way up the page.

The hardest habit for me is #6 - Use technology to your advantage.  Even tonight, when I was having some trouble setting this blog up, my first reaction was to call John and have him fix it for me.  And being the person he is, he always fixes the problem without explaining to me what the issue was or even how he solved it.  He's my crutch, and we've both become comfortable in our roles.

1 comment:

  1. Support is good and is necessary. Pretty soon I suspect you will be giving out your fair share of support to others!
